FERTIGEL FRUTTI is used in eggplant, cucumber, tomato, pepper, beans, strawberry, melon,
watermelon, potato, sugar beet and similar vegetables as well as in cut floriculture, e.g. clove,
rose, gerber daisy etc. as well as such fruit trees as apple, pear, apricot, peach and pear. It
eliminates the potassium deficiency, enhances the fruit quality, and improves the fruit quality.
The fruit becomes stronger, more fleshy, fluffy and stronger with the longer life of storage. It
helps an easier intake of the nutrients that are otherwise harder to intake. The plants get higher
resistance to the hot, cold and drought, and immunized against diseases. FERTIGEL FRUTTI is
a technological wonder made by the advanced technology, and comprises of nitrogen, potassium
and trace elements, and you can use it for bigger and more fleshy fruits. NOTE: It can also be
applied by sprinklers onto the sugar beet, p

Total Nitrogen (N)17%
Water Soluble Phosphoruspentaoxide (P2O5)11%
Water soluble Potassium Oxide (K2O)55%
Water Soluble Iron (Fe)0,12%
Water Soluble Manganese (Mn)0,1%
Water Soluble Zinc (Zn)0,16%